My Top Five Book Recommendations

Nowadays, it seems harder than ever to put your phone down and take time to enjoy a good book. Thankfully, I have a husband who’s ever the old soul who inspires me to get back into the reading habit from time to time. Whenever I start getting into a book, there’s no stopping me; I can finish the whole thing - cover to cover - in a few hours. I’m definitely one of those people who get deeply invested in a story.
Now although I’ve read a lot of amazing books in my lifetime, I have a few top choices that I like to recommend to my friends who are looking for good reads for themselves, or to give to others as gifts. There’s really no “theme” among my choices, because I love everything from romance and fantasy to history and biographies. So, without further ado, here are my top five favorite books which I think you’d love too.
For the Drama Lover: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
I was 13 when I read this book which was recommended to me by my older sister. The story took me on such an emotional journey; I remember feeling so attached to main character - feeling every bit of joy and sadness, liberation and pain that she felt. Something that really stuck with me about the book was the main character’s love interest; it sort of shaped my vision of an ideal man. I recommend this to everybody who’s looking for a compelling read - something that’ll take you on a wild, wild roller coaster of emotions.
For the History Geek: Little History of the World by Ernst Gombrich.
History has always piqued my interest as a child; I really enjoyed studying the subject in school. If you’re like me, I would definitely recommend the Little History of the World. It’s a comprehensive account of the most important events of world history, all rolled into a light, easy, and enjoyable read. This book is extremely special to me as well because it was recommended by the late Miriam Defensor-Santiago.
For the Hopeless Romantic: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
The Notebook is one of those classic novels that everybody knows and loves. It’s something that I can read over and over again without ever feeling bored. I would recommend this to anyone who’s looking for a novel that’s romantic, dramatic, but genuinely relatable. I, for one, really fell in love with this because during the time I was reading it, I could relate to the characters.
For the Soul-Searcher: Proof of Heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander
I bought this book at the airport because the title really caught my attention. I didn’t know that I was actually picking up a book that would majorly change my life. It’s a touching real-life account of someone who actually experienced heaven; it comforted me deeply. I recommend it to everyone who feels in need of a little motivation; it really enlightens you and gives you a sense of the authentic, larger picture in life.
For the Fun Lover: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
Crazy Rich Asians was another airport bookstore pickup. I hadn’t heard of the book before, and was not aware of all the buzz around it. It simply caught my eye because of what it was about - glamour, and of course, fashion! Little did I know then that the author, Kevin Kwan, would eventually become a good friend of mine, and that it would all come full circle years later when I would be featured in a publication for a story entitled “Crazy Rich Couture.” I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants a read that’s genuinely full of soul, but still with fantastic entertainment value.
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